PARA is the United Deep State Nations' paranormal investigation, research, containment, and expedition department. From the existential and horrific to the magical and mystical; the Operations Wing of Pararealistics is certain to be involved. Operating day and night, PARA ensures you can sleep in peaceful bliss, protected from the world-annihilating horrors of the universe's most horrific workings.
And also talking foxes that can do magic.
Granted an annual 60 million ASD in funding, the Operations Wing of Pararealistics studies pararealistic phenomena across the globe from only twelve locations, though its largest base is in home territory; beneath the Office Center.
The United Deep State Nations Operations Wing of Pararealistics is responsible for the continued research and development involving pararealistic science, as well as keeping pararealistic science hidden from civilian science. PARA utilises several labs, hangars, storage rooms and other facilties in its bases for study and experimentation, and employs over a hundred personnel for performing said study and experiments, as well as guarding PARA bases, and ensuring normal society does not discover pararealistic science.
We have called the pararealistic phenoma we study and handle a POI, or "Paranormality of Interest". These POIs can be narrowed down to five subcategories, those being;
PFOI; Pararealistic Phenomenon of Interest; A phenomenon, occurrence, or event that is either related to or is caused by pararealistics.
POOI; Pararealistic Object of Interest; An object that is related to or was created by pararealistics.
PLEOI; Pararealistic Legal Entity of Interest; A legal entity, corporation, company, or organisation that is either related to pararealistics or actively engages in pararealistic activity.
PEOI; Pararealistic Entity of Interest; A sentient yet non-sapient entity - biological or otherwise - the existence of which is related to or is perpetuated by pararealistics.
PPOI; Pararealistic Person of Interest; A sentient and sapient entity - biological or otherwise - the existence of which is related to or is perpetuated by pararealistics.
If a POI does not meet the criteria to be categorised into any of the five subcategories listed above, it is to simply be referred to as POI.
Beneath is a comprehensive list of all POIs currently or formerly under study by the Operations Wing of Pararealistics. Some of the POIs are given nicknames for the sake of easy referral or 'for fun, staight up' - Benjamin Beatrice. These nicknames are put in quotes.
PFOI-3; "Non-Euclidean Tunnels Beneath Rotterdam"
PFOI-5; "Inverse Dunning-Kruger Effect"
PFOI-7; The Empire of Hyperborealis
PFOI-12; "North Tower Labyrinth"
PFOI-13; "Interdimensional Portals Atop The North Tower"
PFOI-15; "How Gifted We Are To Be Given A Voice Of Reason"
PFOI-18; "So We Tried To Look Into A Proton"
POOI-4; "Alarm Clock"
POOI-5; "Unidentified Aircraft Wreckage by Mackenzie, Klondike"
POOI-7; "L-S1011"
POOI-9; "Glad They Gave Us A Warning And Then Went Extinct For Emphasis"
POOI-11; Tyche
PLEOI-1; Van Den Valk Company
PLEOI-2; American Security Compound
PLEOI-3; Rotterdamse Rail Bedrijf
PLEOI-4; Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security
PLEOI-7; Hyperborean Anomalous Incidents Investigation Unit
PEOI-2; Planet Earth
PEOI-3; Engraved Hourglass Nebula
PEOI-4; Neith
PPOI-1; Charles Aberrant
PPOI-3; Benjamin Beatrice
PPOI-6; Ayla
PPOI-7; "God"
POI-1; The Theians
NOTICE: Due to the new digitalisation mandate, various POIs may be unavailable on our webpage. Please come visit our physical library if you desire to access the folder of a specific POI.