The planetary celestosuperorganism known as Earth, photographed aboard the real Apollo 11 mission on July 17th 1969.


All drilling operations that extend deeper than 8.500 meters are to be deemed illegal in all nations on Earth. The public is to be informed that "liquids" found deep in the Earth's crust are either oil reservoirs or part of an underground ocean. If the color of the liquid is brought up, its red hue is to be explained as a result of high iron concentrations and discoloration caused by the surrounding rock.

All earthquakes are to be explained as the result of "plate tectonics". The public is to be informed that the continents of Earth steadily move as result of "convection currents" in the Earth's "molten mantle". Any notions of earthquakes being the result of muscle contractions are to be censored.

The idea that planet Earth is a non-biological spherical planet composed of a crust, mantle, and core is to be perpetuated through education systems worldwide. Interested members of the wider public are to be informed that the moving molten nickel-iron fluid inside the inner core of the planet is the result of Earth's magnetic field.

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is to remain filled with concrete from the 20K Hemor Sluice Gate up to the Orangevein Research Facility indefinitely. No attempt to drill into Earth's veins, muscles, or other biological components are to be made for as long as the United Deep State Nations Operations Wing of Pararealistics exists.


PEOI-2 is the third major planetary celestosuperorganism (PCSO) in the Solar System, known to the wider public as "Planet" Earth, Terra, or Gaia. It is one of the few PSCO's within the Inner Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy to harbour parasitic civilisational life, known as the "homo sapien".

It uses a plethora veins ranging from 30 centimeters to 135 kilometers (or greater) in diameter to transport resources and blood throughout its body, aswell as an immune system. It's blood cells range in size drastically, with the smallest blood cell found measured at 3.54 centimeters and the largest blood cell seen at roughly 18 centimeters wide. Earth's blood is referred to as "earthblood". The color of earthblood cells is a greyish red due to its nickel-iron composition. Platelets are far less common in earthblood, resulting in Earth having a very slow healing process. The wound caused by the drillbit in the 1979 incident reportedly took 3 months to heal. Platelets are larger than human platelets, with earthblood platelet varying between 0.5 and 0.9 centimeters in size. Earth's hemor is noticably thicker than human blood, consisting of 54% water as opposed to the 92% human blood has. Earthblood cells do not carry oxygen, making Earth an anaerobic organism. They seem to carry a plethora of unidentified and previously unknown organic molecules and proteins. These are under continuous study and testing, but research has been incredibly slow, with few results. The exact source of Earth's "resources" is unknown, but current hypotheses include asteroid consumption, civilisation digestion, biological nuclear reactions, and radiosynthesis.

Planet Earth has an immune system, which bares similarity to innate immune systems in the sense that equivalents to leukocytes (white blood cells), phagocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and dendritic cells have been identified within Earth in subsanguine exploration missions. Innate immune systems are an immune strategy belonging to vertebrates, therefore implying Earth is a vertebrate. However, Earth's exact skeletal structure is unknown, meaning it is impossible to verify if Earth is actually a vertebrate. These cells have posed a significant danger to exploratory subsanguines, as three of five exploration missions (namely Mission Bravo, Mission Charlie, and Mission Delta) have been lost to extremely large macrophage equivalents, and were digested completely. Onboard footage estimates the size of these macrophage equivalents to be somewhere between 25 and 45 meters. However, these macrophage equivalents are not undefeatable, as proven by Mission Echo.

Word Definition
Earthblood Blood native to the planetary celestosuperorganism commonly known as Earth.
Intravascular Traversion Vehicle (IPV) A vehicle analogous to a submarine, designed to withstand intense pressures (excess of 4000 bar) navigating the blood filled veins of celestosuperorganisms.
Subsanguine Shorter synonym for IPV.
Inter / Inters / Intra / Intras / Inta / Intas An even shorter synonym for IPV, typically used by former death row inmates who have been assigned to become hemonauts. There are many variants, as there have been several hemonauts, who all assigned their own pronunciations to it.
Hemonautical Refers to the navigation of a celestosuperorganisms' blood vessels, usually by an IPV.
Hemonaut / Hemonauts Refers to the crew of a manned IPV.


PEOI-2 as a biological organism was discovered during secret drilling experiments conducted at the Kola Superdeep Borehole. It was opened in 1965 under the authority of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, with the goal of drilling as deep as possible as a scientific study. It attained a depth of 12.262 meters in 1979, when drilling was suddenly stopped. It was eventually closed six years later in 1985. Recovered KGB documents state that the closure of the scientific drilling site was due to a combination of "disturbing incidents". In one incident, the drillbit was raised after attaining a depth of 8.000 meters. When it came to the surface, it was found covered in a thin layer of red liquid, later identified as non-human blood. In another incident, the cable the drillbit was attached to started to vibrate in a rhymthic tone almost identical to an incredibly slow heartbeat, measured to be 0.1684 beats per minute. The final incident occured in 1979, where the drillbit attained a depth of 12.262 meters when it made a loud bang, and the rock beneath and around the drillbit began to bleed profusely. The drillbit was raised, but along with it came a powerful burst of blood that erupted onto the surface, staining the soil around the borehole and destroying several pieces of equipment. Permanent cessation of drilling immediately followed, with the drilling site being shut down in 1985.

The drilling site was purchased by the Operations Wing of Pararealistics from the Provisional Authority of the Red Banner Northern Fleet in Greater Barentia in May 1997, during the Raspatsya. The purchase was recognised by the Russian Defense Command (RDC) after Barentia fell to the RDC a mere month after the purchase was made. PARA ownership of the drilling site continues to this day.

Mission Name IPV Type Model Fate Add. Notes
Alpha XV1 Total hull loss as a result of instantaneous implosion. All crew lost. Was nicknamed the "Hemo Goblin", a humorous twist to the word "hemoglobin", the chemical responsible for the red color of earthblood.
Bravo XV1c Total hull loss as a result of macrophage equivalent encounter and was digested. All crew lost. The loss of Mission Bravo caused a significant change in IPV design philosophy, crew selection, and research mentality.
Charlie XV2b Total hull loss as a result of macrophage equivalent encounter and was digested. All crew lost. Offensive weaponry was deemed insufficient and was significantly improved following the loss of Mission Charlie.
Delta XV3 Total hull loss as a result of macrophage equivalent encounter, leading to loss of control, causing the IPV to veer deeper into Earth and implode. All crew lost. After this incident, Polish military company Bumar-Łabędy was commissioned to improve the defensive and offensive aspects of PARA subsanguines.
Echo XV4 Hull successfully recovered with extensive damage after seven months. One out of three crew members recovered. Exploratory subsanguine missions into the planetary celestosuperorganism known as Earth was permanently halted after the recovery of Mission Echo. The Kola Superdeep Borehole was filled with concrete and all testing ceased after.