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Mercurian Industria

DD/MM/YYYY | Created: 16-9-2023 | Last Updated: 10/12/2023
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Mercurian Industria

Mercurian Industria

Mobile Planet
Image of Mercury taken by starship
Alternative names Mercury, Mercuria, Rockensha, Sol-1
Adjectives Mercurian, Rockenshan

Surface gravity 3,73924 m/s²
Escape velocity 4,250 km/s
4.250 m/s
Terramach 13
Surface area Total: 74.800.000 sq km
Natural Satellites 0
Artificial Satellites 9.964 tracked debris
Estimated 800.000 untracked debris
Estimated 25.000 waste debris parts
823 active LMO satellites
353 nonactive LMO satellites
109 active MMO satellites
7 nonactive MMO satellites
1 active lagrange-associated satellites
2 nonactive lagrange-associated satellites
Atmospheric composition 95,8% Carbon dioxide
1,6% Methane
1,5% Carbon monoxide
1,1% Other gasses
Average outside surface temperature 435°C

Population 9.453.086.643 (as of January 1st 3371)
Capital The Hexagon
Largest city S85
Official languages English, Germanic
Territorial Authority The People's Parliament of Mercury
System of Government Social democracy
Political ideology Socialism
Economic ideology Socialism
Military ideology Pacifism
Welfare ideology Labor-oriented welfare
Waste policy Intermediate-priority recycling, waste burning
Religions 48% unaffiliated
26% Atheism
13% Christianity
7% Bhuddism
4% Technologism
1% Islam
0,5% Judaism
0,5% other, unanswered
Currency Mercurian geld () MEG

The Mercurian Industria is the closest Mobile Planet to Sol in the Sol system that resides in the first band, and it is also the smallest. Mercury is known for its extraordinary industrial capabilities, meaning it has a strongly export driven economy. Mercury is also a lead in computer science and is where pure electron matter and protonics were invented. The Mobility Megastructure of the Mercurian Industria has 4 first-main prograde thrust generators, aswell as 12 second-main thrust generators.


Back from the times when humanity was stuck on Terra, Mercury was seen to be the planet moving the fastest in the night sky. Therefore, they named it after the god 'Mercury', who was seen as a messenger. The fast speeds of the planet's movement in the night sky was seen as fitting to the role of a messenger; spreading important information as quickly as possible.