Initial creation: 1-12-2024 | Last updated: 1-12-2024 Head back to the main page Head back to the 2005-ANSPO hub
This article is still being written, there may be unrevised segments or segments that haven't even been written yet. For now, consider this page non-canon.
Pararealistics is the field of practical science associated with chaos and order in relation to the stability and the extant reality of the universe and other universes. Common phenomena related to pararealistics are the subjective laws of physics, non-euclidean geometry, celestobiology, the occult, sapience, souls, the second temporal dimension, and many others. Recent examples of pararealistics include Henn's Phenomenon and the 2003 Atlantic Trade Center Incident.
The study and practice of pararealistic science conducted by any person who is not a member of the deep state is nigh universally prohibited among the deep state. Within the United Deep State Nations (UDSN), even employees and agents are not allowed to know about pararealistic science unless they specifically work in the Operations Wing of Operations (UDSN-OWO) — only if the operation in question includes pararealistics — and the Operations Wing of Pararealistics (UDSN-PARA). UDSN employees outside of these departments may not know about pararealistics. Other organisations, like the American Security Compound (ASC) and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security (IAS), restrict knowledge of pararealistics within their whole organisation, with employees and agents not affiliated with their organisations' respective pararealistics departments still being allowed to know and study pararealistic science. However, knowledge of pararealistics must never reach the general public, as is agreed upon by deep state organisations globally.
Aberrant and the Cognorelativistic Field
Fabric Integrity
Prior practice
Charles Aberrant and the formalisation of pararealistics
Deep state involvement
List of organisations involved with pararealistic science
Tthis list only includes organisations native to our universe.
> United Deep State Nations Operations Wing of Pararealistics (UDSN-PARA)
> Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security (IAS),
> Hyperborean Anomalous Incident Investigation Unit (HAIIU)