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The Moon
Luna / Selene

Photo of the dark side of the moon in sunlight.

Photo of the dark side of the moon lit up in darkness.
Designations | Earth I Alien Monitoring Body (AMB) |
Names | The Moon, Luna, Selene, AMB |
Object | Major Artificial Satellite |
Perigee | 356400-370400 km |
Apogee | 404000-406700 km |
Average Orbital Speed | 1022 km/s |
The Moon, or Luna, Selene, and Alien Monitoring Body (AMB), is an artificial satellite disguised as a celestial body in orbit of Earth at roughly 384.400 kilometers. It is an uninhabited, fully automated monitoring spy device sending information in the rough direction of the Pleiades. It was initially presumed to be a natural satellite formed in orbital debris following the 'Theia Collision', but this was debunked when Soviet cosmonauts were the first to land on the moon and discovered that the surface was actually unreflective steel plating and not 'moon rock'.
The Moon, officially called the Alien Monitoring Body or AMB between deep state organisations like the UDSN and ASC. It has a mean radius of 1.737,4 km, an equatorial radius of 1738,1 km, and a polar radius of 1736 km. It has a circumference of 10.921 km and has an indeterminate volume as it is presumed that the interior of the moon is hollow.
Its surface consists of steel plating coated with a thick layer on nonreflective paint, each panel being 1,56347 meters in length and width when measured on the X and Y axes flat. Each panel is a single polygon with four vertices, and is resistant to bullets, tank shells, and missiles. Attempts to remove the panels from their mountings have proven unsuccesful.
On the far side of the moon, there is a lit part of the structure's uncovered frame, lit with bright yellowish-white lights. The gap in the frame orginiates from the radial-out pole of the moon. There is a large 'radar dish' at the very center of the radial-out pole, which seems to have 38,23° of rotation along all axes. As long as the radar dish manages to point itself at the constellation Pleiades it will transmit a highly encrypted radio message directly at the constellation in an unknown code or language.
The Moon's arrival was documented in the form of cave paintings in the Pyrenees mountains circa 11700 BC. The modern consensus is that any greater alien race noticed that intelligent life was starting to develop itself on Earth, and had decided to put a spy satellite in orbit of Earth to monitor humanity. Why said alien race opted to create the massive facade of a natural satellite instead of a simple spy satellite is unknown. Ancient writings around the world between ~11700 and ~11650 BC describe a 'new heavenly body' following the apparent 'arrival' of the moon.
The 'arrival of a heavenly body' may be reflected in certain paragraphs in the Bible and Quran that have since been redacted and removed by deep state organisations. Though the legitimacy of these statements are unconfirmed, some have stated that the dark side of the moon bears resemblance to christian 'biblically accurate angels', with 'craters' interpreted as eyes and the darkened streaks running across the lunar surface interpreted as seams betweeen 'many wings'.
Humanity discovers lunar truth