A not so pretty odyssey

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Kyiv Pact

Kyiv Pact

Киевский пакт

Kiyevskiy pakt

Pact leader in dark green, member states in green, candidate states in light green.

Pact LeaderRussian Supreme State
FormationDecember 11th, 1998

HeadquartersDniprovskyi, Russia
Quarter LocationsBudapest, Hungary
Moscow, Russia

The Kyiv Pact, or KP for short, is a military pact and influence sphere led by the Russian Supreme State. It was created after the Raspatsya, when the Russian Defense Command reigned supreme and sought to rebuild its influence sphere, much like the Warsaw Pact.


The Kyiv Pact was formed on December 11th, 1998, between the Russian Supreme State, the Russian satellite state of Novorossiya (otherwise known as Ukraine), and the People's Republic of Poland, in Dniprovskyi (then called East Kyiv). The flag of the Kyiv Pact has changed over time, with the most recent change being the sixth band, to represent the entry of Sudan into the KP in 2004.

The Silver Barrier Liberation Army (SBLA), or Армия освобождения Серебряного барьера (Armiya osvobozhdeniya Serebryanogo bar'yera) was created in 2000 to protect and advance on the frontlines of the Silver Barrier. The SBLA currently encompasses east Poland and Slovakia.